龙胆泻肝丸是金元四大家之一李东垣的方子,后世在原方的基础上加了黄芩、栀子、甘革三味,成为龙胆草、山栀、黄芩、木通、车前、当归、生地、柴胡、甘草、泽泻共10味药,用于泻肝胆实火,清三焦湿热。龙胆泻肝丸组方严谨,君臣佐使的配伍合理。 早在20多年前,《中药大辞典》(1977)就明确指出,“木通为木通科植物白木通或三叶木通、木通的木质茎。”1990年出版的《中华本草》确定木通的基源“为木通科植物木通、三叶木通或白木
Longdan Xiegan Pill is the prescription of Li Dongxu, one of the four members of the Jin Yuan Group. Later, on the basis of the original party, the following recipes were added: Huang Qi, Zongzi, and Gan Ging Sanwei, which became gentian, hawthorn, scutellaria, wood pass, and caravan. Angelica, Rehmannia, Bupleurum, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Alisma and Radix Astragali have a total of 10 herbs, which are used for diarrhea of liver and gallbladder. Long Dan Xiegan Pills are rigorous, and the compatibility of monarchs and their ministers is reasonable. As early as 20 years ago, the “Chinese Dictionary of Medicine” (1977) clearly stated that “Mouton is a woody stalk of the wood Thunbaceae plant or the sclerophylla chinensis and Kikuan.” The basic source of Tongtong is Mutong, Akebia, or white wood