推进投资 体制改革 市场说了算

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2004年3月5日,温家宝总理在政府工作报告中指出,要推进投资体制改革。3月6日,发展改革委员会主任马凯在十届全国人大二次会议所做的报告中称,要组织实施投资体制改革,抓紧制定和完善投资体制改革的配套措施。3月8日,马凯在记者招待会上表示,新的投资体制改革方案在国务院常务会议上已经原则通过,将尽快出台。种种迹象显示,投资体制改革的号角已然吹响,只待前行。 On March 5, 2004, Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out in his government work report that investment system reform should be promoted. On March 6, Ma Kai, director of the Development and Reform Commission, said in a report to the Second Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress that it is necessary to organize the implementation of the reform of the investment system and pay close attention to the formulation and improvement of supporting measures for the reform of the investment system. March 8 At a press conference, Ma Kai said at the press conference that the new investment system reform plan has been approved in principle at the State Council executive meeting and will be promulgated as soon as possible. There are indications that the horn of the reform of the investment system is already sounded and only awaits advance.
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