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写话教学始终是语文老师的一个难题。要求“在写话中应用生活和实际学习中学到的词语。”然而,低年级学生年龄小,对于外界事物缺乏敏锐地观察。以至于在写话时往往无从下手。作为语文老师应该如何激发学生写话兴趣,让表达成为学生情感的需要,就显得尤为重要。一、写作形式大变身1.利用教材插图写一写低年级的语文教材,形式灵活多样,内容丰富有趣,语言活泼且富有儿童情趣,图文并茂。例如,二年级语文教材里有一篇关于 Teaching writing has always been a problem for language teachers. Asking “to apply the words learned in life and in practical learning in writing.” However, younger students are young and lack keenly aware of the outside world. So often in writing is often impossible to start. As a language teacher should stimulate students interest in writing, so that the expression of the emotional needs of students, it is particularly important. First, the writing form a great deal of change 1. The use of illustrations to write textbooks written in the lower grades of language, the form of flexible and diverse, rich and interesting content, lively language and full of children’s interest, illustrated. For example, there is an article on second-year Chinese textbooks