体力活动缺乏和有氧运动较少是慢性疾病高负担的关键因素,倡导健康生活方式的学校干预研究已经显示出良好的、直接的健康效应。来自瑞士的学者Meyer等通过设计整群随机对照试验的方法,开展了一项为期3 a的随访研究,评估9个月以上的学校体育活动项目对儿童身体脂肪、体能和体育活动的直接健康效应。该研究在瑞士的2个省中随机选取15所小学共28个班级,其中9所学校中16个班级(297名儿童)作为干预组,其余6所学校中12个班级(205名儿童)作为对照组。于2005年8月至2006年7月在干预组中进行为期9个月的多成分体力
Lack of physical activity and less aerobic exercise are key factors in the high burden of chronic diseases and school intervention studies promoting a healthy lifestyle have shown good, direct health effects. Meyer et al from Switzerland conducted a 3-year follow-up study by designing a cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate the direct health effects of school-based physical education programs over nine months on children’s body fat, physical activity and physical activity . The study randomly selected 15 primary schools in 28 provinces in 28 provinces, of which 16 classes (297 children) in 9 schools served as the intervention group and 12 classes (205 children) in the remaining 6 schools served as Control group. From August 2005 to July 2006 in the intervention group for a period of 9 months of multi-component physical strength