革命声传画舫中, 诞生共党庆工农。重来正值清明节, 烟雨迷濛访旧踪。这首诗是中国共产党第一次代表大会代表、老一辈无产阶级革命家、原中华人民共和国副主席董必武于1964年,再次来到浙江嘉兴时所作。 1921年7月23日,中共“一大”在上海举行。后为安全起见,决定到嘉兴的南湖继续举行会议。
Revolutionary legend Fang, was born to celebrate the workers and peasants. Come back to Ching Ming Festival, misty rain mesmerizing visit. This poem was made by representatives of the first congress of the Communist Party of China, the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, and former Vice Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Dong Biwu in 1964 when they again came to Jiaxing, Zhejiang. July 23, 1921, the CPC “big one” held in Shanghai. For security reasons, decided to Jiaxing’s South Lake continue to hold a meeting.