从昆明乘坐东方航空公司航班前往迪庆,同机者:50余名乘客, 2名空姐,《消失的地平线》, 云南地图,红景天……雨,中雨。听到中旬有雨的消息时,我正读到《消失的地平线》中的这样一段“此刻,阳光灿烂,但是饥饿与干渴也随之而来。不过空气极净,好象来自于另外一个星球……”,据广播,飞机正飞在真正的万米高空,窗外冷气流倏忽而过,同机的人,昏昏欲睡。
From Kunming, take the Eastern Airlines flight to Diqing, the same plane: more than 50 passengers, 2 flight attendants, “disappeared horizon”, Yunnan map, Rhodiola ... rain, the rain. As I heard the rainy mid-day, I was reading the phrase “at the moment of the disappearing horizon,” sunny, but starvation and thirst came in. But the air was extremely net, as if coming from another Planet ... ... ", according to radio, the aircraft is flying in the real million meters altitude, cold air outside the window suddenly passing, the same plane, drowsy.