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一、概述铁路枢纽和城市的形成及其发展是互为依存、相互促进的,但又存在着矛盾的因素。随着城市现代化的发展,城市人口大幅度的增长,城市规模的扩大,作为联结和伸向各地区大动脉的铁路枢纽的配置和发展,就成为十分突出而又重要的问题。为此,研究分析世界各大城市铁路枢纽的发展特征,吸取其中有益的经验和教训,对规划和建设我国大城市铁路枢纽,具有重大的现实意义。 I. Overview The formation and development of railway hubs and cities are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, but there are also contradictions. With the development of urban modernization, the growth of urban population and the expansion of urban scale have become prominent and important issues as the configuration and development of railway hubs linking and extending to the aortas of various regions. Therefore, studying and analyzing the development characteristics of the railway hubs in major cities in the world and drawing useful experiences and lessons learned are of great practical significance for planning and building the railway hubs of the major cities in our country.
去国外工作前,我在北京居住的小区里常来一个收破烂的矮个老头,无论春秋都穿一件很旧的蓝色中山装,口袋里面塞满了皱巴巴的一块一块的零钱。老头收破烂时,总要将别人交给他的袋子里的东西一股脑地倒在地上,各种瓶子、易拉罐叮叮咚咚地一痛乱滚。周末有时我在家写东西,一听见这声,就知道收破烂的老头来了。    带名片的收破烂老头    从国外回来后,好久也没见到过这个老头。家里的空瓶子越来越多,我正犯愁时,老头在