1998年,中国最热的是什么?政治家和经济学家们会公推十五大出台的一系列改革新政策;影视圈人士说:最热的应该是既叫好又叫座、连获十一项奥斯卡大奖的世纪经典《泰坦尼克号》。假若你遍访IT业中人,言必称:98如火如荼的理当属电子商务。 当今年3月中国银行和世纪互联宣布内地第一笔电子交易成功完成的时候,恍惚间,似觉电子商务离我们今天的生活竟是近在咫尺!?每一家企业,无论它是排名全中国前十强,还是单位连信息基础设施尚在方案论证阶段的中小企业,在大气候的影响下,都有意无意地开始了迈向电子
In 1998, what was the hottest thing in China? Politicians and economists will publicize a series of new reform policies promulgated by the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CCP); film and television circles said: The hottest thing should be both good and bad, Oscar Award of the century classic “Titanic.” If you visit IT industry, people must say: 98 in full swing should be e-commerce. When Bank of China and Century Internet announced the successful completion of the first electronic transaction in the Mainland in March of this year, they suddenly felt that e-commerce was close to our life today! Every enterprise, no matter if it is ranked as China The top ten, or even the unit with information infrastructure is still in the program demonstration stage of small and medium enterprises, under the influence of the climate, have intentionally or unintentionally started toward the electronic