
来源 :汽车技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heaweawelf
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1 前言 汽车工业的发展为人类文明、社会进步起到了积极的推进作用,使人们的生活水平有了很大的提高,但同时也给人类社会带来了不良的后果,即排气污染问题。这一问题的日趋严重,以至于达到影响人类生存的程度。随着人类对环境保护要求的不断强烈,汽车排放法规也日益严格,人们越来越重视降低汽车排放污染的问题。 关于汽车排放控制,人们已进行了很深入的研究,其主要解决途径是: a.机内净化。即通过改善汽油发动机的结构设计、调整配气相位及点火时间,使燃烧过程尽量充分,以达到减少排污的目的。目前,研究最多的是关于稀薄燃烧的汽油发动机的设计。 1 Preface The development of the automobile industry has played a positive role in promoting human civilization and social progress and has greatly improved people’s living standard. However, it has also brought adverse consequences to human society, namely the problem of exhaust pollution. The problem is so serious that it reaches the point where it affects human existence. With the constant demands of mankind for environmental protection and the increasingly stringent vehicle emission regulations, people pay more and more attention to reducing the pollution caused by automobile emissions. About vehicle emission control, people have conducted a very in-depth study, the main solution is: a. Machine Purification. That is, by improving the structure of gasoline engine design, adjust the gas phase and ignition timing, the combustion process as full as possible to achieve the purpose of reducing emissions. At present, the most studied is the design of the lean-burn gasoline engine.
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病人 男 ,64岁。无明显诱因咳嗽、咳白色黏液痰 ,痰中带血 1个月。查体 :肺气肿征阳性。X线胸片见左肺心影后方、左肺下叶背段一 6 5cm× 6 5cm大小分叶状块影。CT见左肺下叶背段约