
来源 :职业与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nokisoki
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目的了解北京市昌平区托幼机构食品从业人员健康状况。方法根据卫生部《托儿所幼儿园卫生保健管理办法》和《北京市托儿所、幼儿园卫生保健管理办法实施细则》的要求设置健康检查项目和内容,对2010—2013年昌平区托幼机构食品从业人员的健康检查资料进行分析。结果共检查1 627人,传染病(甲型肝炎、戊型肝炎和活动性肺结核、化脓性或渗出性皮肤病、梅毒)总计检出8人,平均阳性检出率为0.49%。丙氨酸转氨酶活力增高,检出率为3.77%,其中该地从业人员总检出率为4.22%;外埠从业人员总检出率为3.64%。结论该区托幼机构食品从业人员每年均有传染病病例检出。证实上岗前及定期的健康检查非常重要和必要。今后应继续把好健康检查关,保证从业人员真正做到健康上岗。 Objective To understand the health status of food practitioners in kindergartens in Changping District of Beijing. Methods According to the Ministry of Health “Nursery Kindergarten Health Care Management Measures” and “Beijing City Nursery, Kindergarten Health Care Management Regulations Implementing Rules” set the health check items and content of 2010-2013 kindergartens in Changping District health food practitioners Check the data for analysis. Results A total of 1 627 people were examined. Infectious diseases (Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E and active tuberculosis, purulent or exudative dermatosis, syphilis) were detected in a total of 8 persons. The average positive rate was 0.49%. Alanine aminotransferase activity increased, the detection rate was 3.77%, of which the total detection rate of 4.22% practitioners in this area; the total number of employees in other cities was 3.64%. Conclusion The kindergartens in this area are all detected cases of infectious diseases every year. It is very important and necessary to confirm pre-appointment and regular health checks. In the future, we should continue to provide good health checkpoints to ensure that practitioners can truly be employed on a healthy basis.
目的探讨关节镜下治疗儿童膝关节软骨严重剥脱的方法及为预防儿童膝关节严重伤残提供依据。方法 5例膝关节软骨严重剥脱均行关节镜探查术,其中2例镜下清理,3例切开清理。结果
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