How to make the classes lively and interesting

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   As everyone knows, interest is the best guide and teacher. We will be fascinated with learning English if we have interest. Learning English will be fruitful. As teachers, we need to know what to teach and how to teach students so that our students have a lot of interest in English learning.
   First, our teachers should make ourselves be good actors.
   Second, we should be humorous.
   Third, we should be creative.
   Fourth, we need to bring some real objects to class when they are necessary.
   Fifth, singing English songs and watching English movies in class are helpful.
   I wish all of us to be successful teachers in making the students become interested in learning English.
   As everyone knows, interest is the best guide and teacher. We will be fascinated with learning English if we have interest. Learning English will be fruitful.
   B.A. Cyxomjnhcknn in Russia says: “The starting point to promote the development of students is to stimulate the students interest. ”As teachers, we need to know what to teach and how to teach students so that our students have a lot of interest in English learning.
   First, our teachers should make ourselves be good actors. I think a good teacher is often a good actor, particularly, to be an English teacher. Learning a language is to learn how to wee it. The ultimate goal of language is to communicate with others. In fact, different people may speak the same language in different kinds of ways. Showing our students how people use a language differently is an important job for us teachers. Our students will think our classes are real, lively and interesting if we can do these successfully. Our colorful gestures and different tones of voice can attract our students’ attention. Their eyes will always follow you and their ears will always listen to you. At this moment I think no one will be absent-minded. They are all interested in our performance.
   Second, we should be humorous. If we are humorous English teachers, we will be popular with the students. Having our students learn English is one thing. However, to have them learn English effectively is another thing. We should try our best to make our students enjoy our teaching and have a good time learning English. We need to have a sense of humor. Our classes will be more and more interesting as long as we develop the sense of humor in our daily life.
   Third, we should be creative. People are curious about new and fresh things. For example, I once held a group competition when I taught Unit Three, in which Teenagers were allowed to choose their own clothes (Grade Nine). I divided the students into two groups. One group talked about what sixteen-year-old teenagers should do. The other group talked about what sixteen-year-old teenagers shouldn’t do. Then each group wrote their answers on the blackboard by using should (not) do, be (not) allowed to do, be (not) supposed to do and should (not) be allowed to do. A student wrote one sentence on the blackboard, one by one. Each group must finish their answers within the specified time. Finally, I checked the answers with the whole class. The group that had more right and proper sentences was the winner. In that class, all of them were creative and anxious to participate. In this way, my students master the key phrases and sentences of unit Three easily and happily. It really works. So our classes need to be filled with creative thinking and activities.    Fourth, we need to bring some real objects to class when they are necessary. I still remember I brought all kinds of food and drinks to class including vegetables and fruits when I taught Unit Six DO you like bananas? (Grade Seven). The students were all excited. They master the new words and the sentence patterns quickly and effectively. The students may get bored if we just teach and learn by looking at books or a few simple pictures.
   Fifth, I think singing English songs and watching English movies in class are helpful. For most Chinese students, it’s difficult for them to speak English in public. They’re always shy and afraid of making mistakes. In order to attract them and improve the English speaking ability, we can teach some pop songs using some tapes or broadcasting. And we can also show some interesting and easy English movies to them on computer. They will pay more attention to the English sound, sentence stress and intonation. So they will sing after the teacher and speak after the actors. At the same time, the students will be eager to know the meaning of the words. They will look forward to having English. They will become more and more interested in English.
   In a word, we can try these ways in order to make our class attractive. I wish all of us to be successful teachers in making the students become interested in learning English.
近来,听了一些各种形式的公开课,有的课上得很精彩,甚至很完美,能够满足听者的各种感官,听后令人啧啧称叹,赞美之词溢于言表。但有些观点我不敢苟同,对于到底什么样的课才算是好课,我有着自己的理解,下面就结合自己的体会,谈谈对课堂教学的几点粗浅认识:  一、课堂应该是动态生成的,是师生认知过程的自然呈现   教师可以预设一些资源,预设一些程序,预设一些方法,但却无法预设学生的思维。这就需要教师尊重学生
早晨我做完班主任的例行工作之后,走出教室,深呼吸,空气清新,看看天,天空蔚蓝!心想今天中午到县实验中学去参加全县的化学优质课观摩,天气真不错!怀着愉悦的心情,我回了家……   刚吃完一碗饭,便接到了带我班数学,身为副校长的彭老师打来的电话,说我班的一名女生小丽和一名男生小铭吃早饭时在教室里打架了!我放下碗筷,迅速赶到学校,到教室转了一圈,虽然已经风平浪静,但看得出来小丽小铭两同学还在气愤之中,尚
我在网上国培学习时,看了重庆江北区洋河花园实验小学副校长肖猷莉执教的二年级语文《要是你在野外迷了路》后,我觉得肖老师上的这堂课是我学习的典范。  一、合理利用课题,导入新课效果好   “万事开头难。”利用课题导入学习也是一种好方法。肖老师在组织好教学后开门见山导入:“今天我们一起来学习新课文,齐读课题。”学生齐读,老师顺势指着课题引读:“如果——(学生接:你在野外迷了路);假如——(学生接:你在
1.设计思路:   新课程的基本理念之一:让学生有更多的机会主动地体验探究过程,在知识的形成、联系、应用过程中养成科学的态度,获得科学的方法,在“做科学”的探究实践中逐渐形成终身学习的意识和能力。因此,探究作为一种教学方法越来越明确。“探究性学习”注重学生对生活的感受和体验,强调学生的亲身经历,让学生在实践中去发现和探究问题,体验和感受生活,养成质疑的好习惯,为切实培养学生的创新精神和实践能力提
〔摘 要〕老师在课堂教学中经常要提问,如何设问这非常关键。很多时候我们提问时问题不是直接提出来的,而要设置铺垫。一个好的问题提出来,不仅有助于学生对知识的理解和掌握,而且可以充分调动学生的思维,活跃课堂气氛,让学生积极参与到教学过程中去。   〔关键词〕初中地理 课堂教学 提问设计   提问是指课堂教学中教师根据学生已有的知识和经验,对学生提出问题,通过师生相互作用,促进学生参与学习,使学生获
〔摘 要〕通过竖笛教学,从培养学生学习音乐兴趣发展学生对音乐的感受力和表现力出发,让竖笛给孩子一个好的第一印象;丰富并活跃竖笛练习的内容和形式,寻求竖笛教学技巧性和娱乐性的统一;给学生提供表演的机会,多多搭建展示学生竖笛的舞台。给学生带来快乐的感受和音乐体验以及成功的愉悦。   〔关键词〕竖笛 激趣 兴趣 愉悦   竖笛进课堂不单是为了学习乐器的演奏技能,而是通过演奏乐器更好地感受、表现和创造
1.研究目的   体育作业是由体育老师布置给学生在课内或课外完成的体育功课。科学、合理地设计体育作业可以有效地调动学生参加体育锻炼的主动性、积极性,增进学生身心健康,并可使学生在体育课上所学的各种技能技术在课外活动中得到复习和巩固,进而熟练掌握,这对提高体育课的教学质量有着积极的意义。当然,也在一定程度上缓解了学生在课余生活中“玩”什么、怎么“玩”的难题,从而丰富了学生的课余生活,增强了学生自锻
【教学内容】苏教版义务教育教科书《数学》五年级上册第43页例9、“试一试”和“练一练”。   【教学目标】1、使学生理解保留几位小数和精确到哪一位等的含义,能根据要求用四舍五入法正确地求一个小数的近似数;了解按数位保留小数近似值数末尾有0时,表示了近似数的精确度;能求小数的近似数。2、使学生联系已有知识理解取小数近似数的方法,体会数学内容之间的联系,积累数学学习的经验;进一步发展数感。3、使学生
〔摘 要〕除了手语,聋生几乎用“写”表达思想,交流感情,作文教学也就成为聋校高中语文教学的一个重要环节。本文对聋生作文水平的现状,以及造成这一现状的原因进行了分析,并从聋生的生理特点、学习语言的特点出发,阐述了在实际教学过程中如何发展聋生的语言能力,提高写作水平,并围绕这些方面提出了行之有效的方法。   〔关键词〕聋生 高中作文教学 语言能力  一、抓住课堂阵地,致力发展语感   课堂教学是聋
教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度和价值观):   1、能力目标:   (1)能过抓住主要特征,听懂描述人外貌的问句与答语。   (2)能熟练的运用所学句型及表达对人的外貌特点进行描述。   2、知识目标:   (1)能掌握以下单词:   curly, straight, tall , medium, height, thin,heavy, build, (be) of med