颅内畸胎瘤在1岁以下的婴儿中并不常见。它实际上被认为是一种由多种组织组成的肿瘤。这些肿瘤的发病率占所有颅内肿瘤的0.3~0.6%。该文报告1例发生在新生儿后颅窝的不成熟畸胎瘤。病例报告一个10天男孩因进行性巨颅及神志逐渐不清被送到神经外科,足月产,因头盆比例不适在分娩中使用了产钳,生后1分钟和5分钟 Apgar 评分分别为8分和9分,头围40cm,前囟膨满,颅缝增宽,头皮静脉扩张。Macewen 征阳性,颈强直和Moro 反射存在。四肢深腱反射亢进,双侧跖反射阳性。生后第10天,头围增加到42cm,神志不清但对痛刺激有反应。头颅 X 线平片显示颅内压力增高和后颅
Intracranial teratomas are not common in infants under 1 year of age. It is actually considered a tumor consisting of multiple tissues. The incidence of these tumors accounts for 0.3-0.6% of all intracranial tumors. One case of immature teratoma in the posterior cranial fossa was reported in this article. Case report A 10-day boy was sent to neurosurgery due to progressive giant cranial nerves and confusion. Full-term labor was used. The forceps were used in childbirth because of discomfort in the cephalopelvic ratio. Apgar scores were 8 for 1 and 5 minutes after birth. Points and 9 points, head circumference 40cm, front zygomatic expansion, cranial suture widened, scalp veins expanded. Macewen’s sign is positive, with neck stiffness and Moro reflexes present. Deep hyperactivity of limbs, hyperreflexia, bilateral tendon reflexes. On the 10th day after birth, the head circumference increased to 42cm, which is unclear but responds to painful stimuli. Skull X-rays showing increased intracranial pressure and posterior skull