“对牛弹琴”这个成语一般被用来讥笑说话的人不看对象。但事实上牛对音乐并不缺乏感受能力,给牛听音乐可以使产奶量大大提高。居住在甘肃河西走廊的裕固族还有一种专门唱给牛、羊、马听的民歌呢! 如果你在春天来到美丽的肃南草原,便会听到一曲曲悠扬甜美的歌从各生产队的羊圈和牛棚里传来,那歌声象小溪的流水,在山谷中轻轻地流淌,回荡。即使你听不懂它的词句,那委婉动听的旋律也会给你留
The idiom “bullshit” is generally used to ridicule people who do not speak. But in fact the cow does not lack the ability to feel the music, to listen to music can make cow milk greatly increased. There is also a folk song in Yugur who lives in the Gansu Hexi corridor and specializes in cattle, sheep and horses. If you come to the beautiful Sunan grassland in spring, you will hear melodious and melodious songs from various productions The team’s sheepfolds and bullpen came, and the song was like the water of a stream flowing gently in the valley, reverberating. Even if you do not understand its words, that euphemistic melody will give you to stay