
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sweetacid
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Objective: Migraine is associated with epilepsy, but the time order and nature of the relationship are unclear. We conducted a population based case control study to clarify the time order to determine whether migraine is a risk factor for epilepsy. Methods: Migraine symptoms were evaluated in a populationbased case-control study of all incident epilepsy in Icelandic children and in matched controls (next two same sex births in the country). Results: Migraine was associated with a fourfold increased risk for developing epilepsy, an association explained by migraine with aura (odds ratio, 8.1; 95% confidence interval, 2.7- 24.3). Migraine without aura did not increase risk for epilepsy. Interpretation: Children with migraine with aura have a substantial increased risk to develop subsequent epilepsy. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that migraine with aura and migraine without aura may be different disorders. Objective: Migraine is associated with epilepsy, but the time order and nature of the relationship are unclear. We conducted a population based case control study to clarify the time order to determine whether migraine is a risk factor for epilepsy. Methods: in a populationbased case-control study of all incident epilepsy in Icelandic children and in matched controls (next two same sex births in the country). Results: Migraine was associated with a fourfold increased risk for developing epilepsy, an association explained by migraine with aura (odds ratio, 8.1; 95% confidence interval, 2.7-24.3). Migraine without aura did not increase risk for epilepsy. Interpretation: Children with migraine with aura have a substantial increased risk to develop subsequent epilepsy. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that migraine with aura and migraine without aura may be different disorders.
Objective To investigate the prophylactic effect of low calcium concentration perilymph on noise-induced hearing loss. Methods Forty guinea pigs with normal h
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【内容摘要】高中数学教学中数形结合思想的应用,其主要就是数与形之间的转换,在数与形的转换过程中解决一些问题,利用几何解释来使代数问题得到解决,数形结合的教学体现着思维的灵活,也体现着数学的魅力所在,在数形结合思想的应用下许多问题都能够得到更为简便和快速的解答。对此,笔者结合教学经验对此进行了简单的分析总结,数形结合思想的应用需要我们不断的关注和研究,从而推动其发展进步。  【关键词】高中数学 数形
站在新的历史起点上,党的十七大进一步明确,提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家是国家发展战略的核心,要求大力推进信息化与工业化融合,提升高新技术产业。这次全国高技术产业发展工作会议,主题就是贯彻落实十七大精神,回顾总结十六大以来高技术产业、自主创新和信息化发展的主要成就和经验,共同探索新形势下如何走好科学发展之路,研究部署2008年工作。    一、过去五年的发展成就    (一)高技术产业跃上新台阶
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