世人皆知,食盐是人们日常生活中不可或缺的东西,但食盐在政治中的作用知之者则不多,其实,食盐在某些国家的政治生活中有时也会起非常重要的作用。譬如,印度的民族解放运动就与食盐有着非常紧密的联系。 印度是一个有着几千年历史的文明古国,但从17世纪初期起,就不断遭到葡萄牙、法国、英国等欧洲殖民主义国家的入侵,到1849年,印度完全落入英国之手。印度沦为
It is well-known that salt is an indispensable component of daily life. However, there is not much salt in the political world. In fact, salt sometimes plays a very important role in the political life of some countries. For example, the national liberation movement in India has a very close connection with salt. As an ancient civilization with thousands of years of history, India has been constantly invaded by European colonial countries such as Portugal, France and Britain since the early 17th century. By 1849, India had completely fallen into the hands of the United Kingdom. India is reduced to