胸腔肿瘤是常见的肿瘤之一,多数属恶性肿瘤。B型超声诊断胸腔肿瘤是一种新的检查方法。现将35例经B超检查,后由病理确诊的资料报告如下。临床资料本组35例,男性22例,女性13例;平均年龄55岁(40~72岁);伴有咳嗽,胸痛30例,咳血5例,均伴有胸腔积液。经抽胸水、B超引导下穿刺活检,病理诊断:肺癌17例、纵隔淋巴瘤8例,胸膜间皮细胞瘤5例,神经鞘瘤3例,肝癌胸膜转移2例。采用Aloka SSD-256型超声诊断仪,探头频率3.5MHz,患者取卧,坐两种姿式,探头沿肋间隙纵、横扫查。
Thoracic tumors are one of the common tumors, most of which are malignant. B-mode ultrasound diagnosis of thoracic tumors is a new method of examination. Thirty-five cases were examined by B-ultrasound and the data confirmed by pathology were reported as follows. Clinical data in this group of 35 patients, 22 males and 13 females; average age 55 years (40 to 72 years old); accompanied by cough, chest pain in 30 cases, 5 cases of hemoptysis, are accompanied by pleural effusion. After pleural effusion and B-guided needle biopsy, pathological diagnosis: 17 cases of lung cancer, 8 cases of mediastinal lymphoma, 5 cases of pleural mesothelioma, 3 cases of schwannoma, and 2 cases of pleural metastasis of liver cancer. The Aloka SSD-256 Ultrasound System was used. The frequency of the probe was 3.5 MHz. The patient took a position and took both postures. The probe was scanned longitudinally and laterally along the intercostal space.