Steve Blank是一位在硅谷创业界很有影响力的人物,是8家创业公司的创始人,退休以后常年在加州大学伯克利分校、斯坦福大学和哥伦比亚大学商学院讲授创业课程。Steve Blank称很多大学的学科设置和教育体系跟不上当前业界正在和已经发生的变革,很多东西在大学里都学不到。
不谋而合的,Paypal教父Peter Thiel启动了“20 under 20”项目。这个项目简单地说就是挑选20个20岁以下的年轻人,给他们每人两年共10万美元的资金和导师帮助,让他们从事自己的科研或者创业项目。
Mark Suster VC,GRP合伙人
视频网站Justin.TV创始人 Justin Kan
Im conflicted on the debate on whether or not young Americans should go to college.
In high school I worked hard to build up a perfect college resumeworked hard to build up a perfect college resume:resume:简历。为升大学准备一份完美的简历。为了考上大学而努力学习的意思。. I got good grades, did lots of activities, and I even sent an experiment into space! When I applied to college, I applied only to the top ten and fortunately, after a few scares, I got into Yale at the last possible moment.
As many alumni often say, getting in is the hardest part about attending an Ivy League school.alumni:校友;Ivy League school:美国常青藤盟校。 Im not saying I didnt work hard, but I definitely worked less and less each subsequentsubsequent:随后的。 year. In my final year I was taking classes two days a week for only two hours a day. Keep in mind that I was a full time student without a job at one of the best universities in the country. Instead of studying, I spent my time:
·Drinking and socializing
·Playing video games
·Working on a calendar website
Today, I am a technology entrepreneur running a middle stage startup.entrepreneur:创业者;startup:新兴公司(尤指新兴科技公司)。 When thinking about the great college debate, Im often inclined to think about how college affected this outcome:
What it didnt do|大学不能给的
A “Mistake” is when something is done once, and learned upon… If it is repeated consistently, its a “Habit”! 只犯一次并吸取教训的错误才叫“错误”;屡犯不止的错误叫"恶习"。
True friends are those who wont feel embarrassed when stay together saying nothing rather than having endless words. 真正的好朋友,并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题,而是在一起,就算不说话也不会感到尴尬。
It didnt teach me any skills relevant to anything Im doing now. I was a Physics and Philosophy major, but from conversations with other friends no one seemed to learn anything useful to their later careers. Most of the foundation in communication, writing, and quantitative reasoningquantitative reasoning:数量推理。 I developed in middle school and high school, and not in college.
It didnt prepare me mentally for startups. College didnt prepare me to think outsidethebox, live the consequences of my own actions, or really exist on my own in the real world at all.
It didnt improve my work ethicwork ethic:职业道德,职业伦理。. While I am a hard worker, college definitely did nothing to improve my work ethic as I found I could get by on relatively little work.
What it kind of did|大学少许能给的
College kind of exposed me to entrepreneurshipentrepreneurship:企业家精神。. We had some business plan competitions, but Yale didnt really have the technology entrepreneurship culture of MIT or Stanford. Later on after graduation I connected with other YaliesYalies:耶鲁人,指与耶鲁大学具有某种关系的个人,其中包括校友、教职员工和其他人员。 who were working on startups, but at the time examples were few and far between.
What it did do|大学能给的
I was in no way mature enough to operate a real business until I was of a postcollege age. In the meantime, it was nice to have a comfortable place with food and smart people to hang out at.
Two of my three cofounders were friends from college, and we definitely couldnt have gotten where we are without each other.
Steve Blank是一位在硅谷创业界很有影响力的人物,是8家创业公司的创始人,退休以后常年在加州大学伯克利分校、斯坦福大学和哥伦比亚大学商学院讲授创业课程。Steve Blank称很多大学的学科设置和教育体系跟不上当前业界正在和已经发生的变革,很多东西在大学里都学不到。
不谋而合的,Paypal教父Peter Thiel启动了“20 under 20”项目。这个项目简单地说就是挑选20个20岁以下的年轻人,给他们每人两年共10万美元的资金和导师帮助,让他们从事自己的科研或者创业项目。
Mark Suster VC,GRP合伙人
视频网站Justin.TV创始人 Justin Kan
Im conflicted on the debate on whether or not young Americans should go to college.
In high school I worked hard to build up a perfect college resumeworked hard to build up a perfect college resume:resume:简历。为升大学准备一份完美的简历。为了考上大学而努力学习的意思。. I got good grades, did lots of activities, and I even sent an experiment into space! When I applied to college, I applied only to the top ten and fortunately, after a few scares, I got into Yale at the last possible moment.
As many alumni often say, getting in is the hardest part about attending an Ivy League school.alumni:校友;Ivy League school:美国常青藤盟校。 Im not saying I didnt work hard, but I definitely worked less and less each subsequentsubsequent:随后的。 year. In my final year I was taking classes two days a week for only two hours a day. Keep in mind that I was a full time student without a job at one of the best universities in the country. Instead of studying, I spent my time:
·Drinking and socializing
·Playing video games
·Working on a calendar website
Today, I am a technology entrepreneur running a middle stage startup.entrepreneur:创业者;startup:新兴公司(尤指新兴科技公司)。 When thinking about the great college debate, Im often inclined to think about how college affected this outcome:
What it didnt do|大学不能给的
A “Mistake” is when something is done once, and learned upon… If it is repeated consistently, its a “Habit”! 只犯一次并吸取教训的错误才叫“错误”;屡犯不止的错误叫"恶习"。
True friends are those who wont feel embarrassed when stay together saying nothing rather than having endless words. 真正的好朋友,并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题,而是在一起,就算不说话也不会感到尴尬。
It didnt teach me any skills relevant to anything Im doing now. I was a Physics and Philosophy major, but from conversations with other friends no one seemed to learn anything useful to their later careers. Most of the foundation in communication, writing, and quantitative reasoningquantitative reasoning:数量推理。 I developed in middle school and high school, and not in college.
It didnt prepare me mentally for startups. College didnt prepare me to think outsidethebox, live the consequences of my own actions, or really exist on my own in the real world at all.
It didnt improve my work ethicwork ethic:职业道德,职业伦理。. While I am a hard worker, college definitely did nothing to improve my work ethic as I found I could get by on relatively little work.
What it kind of did|大学少许能给的
College kind of exposed me to entrepreneurshipentrepreneurship:企业家精神。. We had some business plan competitions, but Yale didnt really have the technology entrepreneurship culture of MIT or Stanford. Later on after graduation I connected with other YaliesYalies:耶鲁人,指与耶鲁大学具有某种关系的个人,其中包括校友、教职员工和其他人员。 who were working on startups, but at the time examples were few and far between.
What it did do|大学能给的
I was in no way mature enough to operate a real business until I was of a postcollege age. In the meantime, it was nice to have a comfortable place with food and smart people to hang out at.
Two of my three cofounders were friends from college, and we definitely couldnt have gotten where we are without each other.