路易莎·普理查德(Louisa Pritchard)的最新研究发现,有一半的朋友其实并不真的喜欢与我们交往。这是不是意味着我们该像日本家政能手藤麻理惠(Marie Kondo)整理家务一样去整理一下自己的通讯录了呢?今年初,我遇到了我的前同事。我们曾是办公室里最好的朋友,每天一起吃午餐,下班后也会经常一起喝两杯。在我离开公司之后,我们偶尔还会互发电子邮件,许诺下次见面,但真到了见面那刻,我们又分外尴尬。没有了办公室里那些八卦消息,我们彼此无话可说,喝了几杯之后便匆匆道别。
A recent study by Louisa Pritchard found that half of the friends actually do not really like to interact with us. Does this mean that we should sort out our address book the same way Japanese housekeepers Marie Kondo did their housework? Earlier this year, I met my ex-colleague. We used to be the best friends in the office. We had lunch together everyday and we often had two drinks together after get off work. After I left the company, we occasionally e-mailed each other and promised to meet next time, but when it was time to meet, we were especially embarrassed. Without the gossip in the office, we said nothing to each other, and after a few drinks they hurriedly said goodbye.