In April 1988, the flag of the Soviet literary magazine published a memoir of Kang Simeonov: “Our Generation’s Views - Some Reflections on Stalin.” The work discloses insider selection of the “Stalin Literature Award” and Stalin’s mistakes in the preparation for the Great Patriotic War and in the course of the war, and the political situation around the 19 National Congress of the Communist Party of Soviet Union. This chapter focuses on the former. As a member of the “Stalin Literary Award”, Simonov has repeatedly participated in the discussions of candidate works hosted by Stalin himself and recorded the feelings and reflections of what he saw and heard at that time. Therefore, concerning the “Stalin Prize for Literature” The inside story of the award winning book is particularly informative and interesting reading. Therefore, the following is an excerpt from the Chinese readers who are familiar with the winning entries of the “Stalin Literature Prize.” From this we can see that Stalin made arbitrary interventions in literature and art As well as its pragmatic attitude towards history.