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唐代部分比丘尼并非像佛教教义宣传的那样真正出家,而是与其家人保持密切的联系,表现在:积极参与家庭事务,参加家庭成员的丧葬事宜,为家庭成员的亡灵造像祈福,死后回归本家坟茔等;家庭成员也同样参加比丘尼的丧事、为其修建灰身塔并撰写铭文等。可见,唐代部分比丘尼与家人的交往是双向的、互动的;她们一方面皈依佛教,另一方面又遵从儒家伦理,是唐代佛教在中国本土化的表现之一。 Some bhiksuni in the Tang Dynasty were not really monks as propagated by the Buddhist teachings but kept in close contact with their families by actively participating in family affairs, participating in the funeral of family members, praying for the undead statues of family members and returning to their home after death Tombs, etc .; family members also participate in the funeral of Bhikkhuni, building a gray body tower and writing inscriptions. It can be seen that some bhikkhuni’s contacts with their families during the Tang Dynasty were two-way and interactive. They converted to Buddhism on the one hand and Confucian ethics on the other hand, which is one of the manifestations of the localization of Buddhism in China in the Tang Dynasty.
看过齐白石的虾,郑板桥的竹,徐悲鸿的奔马,感觉他们寥寥数笔便能使笔下之物神韵顿出。这就是郑板桥所说的“以少少许胜多多许”的艺术。课堂教学上的评点又何尝不是这样的艺术?点评即评价和点拨,好的点评应简洁到位,点石成金,化腐朽为神奇。它不仅能活跃思维,开启智慧,激发学生的创新潜能;还能增进师生间的交流与友谊;更由于它是课堂临时生成,越加体现了教师的课堂教学艺术与智慧。    一、课堂点评存在的问题   