
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nacle
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目的研究水体高温处理不同阶段幼虫后对埃及伊蚊成虫体型、体重和性别比例的影响,探究水体高温对埃及伊蚊这些特征产生影响的关键龄期。方法将不同龄期埃及伊蚊(卵期、1~4龄幼虫)置于36℃水浴中,使埃及伊蚊在水浴锅中度过一个龄期后,移至标准条件下〔温度(25±1)℃,湿度(75±5)%〕常规饲养,羽化为成虫后记录雌雄蚊数量,60℃烤箱中干燥15min测量翅长及体重;同时将同批埃及伊蚊(分别按卵、1~4龄幼虫)置于饲养室常规饲养得到标准值。结果高温作用2~4龄幼虫,其长成的雌蚊翅长明显小于正常值;2龄和4龄幼虫受高温作用后发育的雌蚊体重下降,而卵期、1龄和3龄体重下降不明显;3龄和4龄受高温作用后发育的成虫中雌蚊比例升高,雄∶雌分别为0.88和0.95,2龄幼虫则情况相反,雄∶雌=2.43∶1。结论埃及伊蚊不同阶段受高温作用的影响不同,卵期和1龄幼虫受高温影响较小,2~4龄受高温影响较大,说明2龄雌性埃及伊蚊是发育的关键阶段,而3龄雄性埃及伊蚊是发育的关键阶段。 Objective To study the effects of high temperature treatment of larvae on the body shape, body weight and sex ratio of Aedes aegypti adults at different stages of water temperature, and to explore the key age stages that affect the characteristics of Aedes aegypti. Methods Aedes aegypti (egg stage, 1st to 4th instar larvae) of different ages were placed in a water bath at 36 ° C, and Aedes aegypti was allowed to age for one year in a water bath and then moved to standard conditions [temperature (25 ± 1) ℃, humidity (75 ± 5)%〕 conventional breeding, females recorded adult male and female mosquitoes, 60 ℃ oven dried 15min to measure the wing length and body weight; the same time the Aedes albopictus (eggs, 4th instar larvae) were housed in the rearing room for standard feeding. Results The 2nd and 4th instar larvae grew significantly less than their normal adult female mosquitoes. The body weight of female mosquitoes after 2 and 4 instar larvae developed to high temperature decreased, but the body weights at the 1st, 3rd and 3rd instar decreased Not obvious. The proportion of female and female adults in 3rd and 4th instar adults developed after high temperature increased. The male and female were 0.88 and 0.95 respectively, while the 2nd and 2nd instar larvae were opposite. The male: female = 2.43:1. Conclusion Different stages of Ae. Aegypti were affected by high temperature. Ewes and 1st instar larvae were less affected by high temperature, while 2nd and 4th instar larvae were greatly affected by high temperature, indicating that 2nd instar larvae of Aedes albopictus were the key stage of development and 3 Aedes aegypti is a critical stage of development for males.
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