我们对2000~2002年的220例超重或肥胖症患者的调查发现,75.9%合并患有脂肪肝。肥胖症患者患脂肪肝的危险因素依次为:体重指数(BMI)、年龄、服糖后2h血糖水平、服糖后1h真胰岛素水平、腰围、血清低密度脂蛋白(LDL)-C水平。而体重指数与患者脂肪肝的严重程度相关。 目前对肥胖症患者的脂肪肝的自然病程尚缺乏大规模的长期随访研究。早期文献报告脂肪肝属于良性不进展、或者进展很慢的疾病,一般不对人体健康产生大的危害。但近年组织学研究发现,肥胖导致的脂肪肝患者中有25%的患者合并肝纤维
Our survey of 220 overweight or obese patients from 2000 to 2002 found that 75.9% had fatty liver. The risk factors of fatty liver in obese patients were: body mass index (BMI), age, blood sugar level at 2h after oral administration, true insulin level at 1h after oral administration, waist circumference, serum LDL-C level. The body mass index is related to the severity of fatty liver in patients. The current natural history of fatty liver in obese patients is still lack of large-scale long-term follow-up study. Early literature reports that fatty liver is benign or not progressing, or a very slow progression of the disease, and generally does not have a great harm to human health. However, in recent years, histological studies have found that 25% of patients with fatty liver caused by obesity have liver fibrosis