2016年7月20—23日,辽宁省自西南向东北出现了暴雨到特大暴雨天气过程,其中暴雨中心葫芦岛市平均降水量244 mm。全市126个气象观测站均达到大暴雨级别,为1951年以来最大值,最大点降水量在绥中县永安堡,为404 mm,创下该地区有气象记录以来的历史极值。西部沿海有2条较大河流及50多条小型河流发生了大洪水。辽宁省积极
July 20-23, 2016, Liaoning Province from southwest to northeast appeared heavy rainstorm to heavy rainstorm process, in which the rainstorm center Huludao city average rainfall 244mm. The city’s 126 meteorological observatories have reached the level of heavy rainstorm, the maximum since 1951, the maximum point of precipitation in Yongzhong County, Suizhong County, was 404 mm, setting the historical record of meteorological records in the region since the extreme. Two large rivers along the western coast and over 50 small rivers have experienced major floods. Liaoning Province is active