
来源 :课堂内外创新作文(小学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woai6672690
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十一年前的一天,妈妈逼着我坐在书桌前写作文,说写完这篇作文就可以出去玩了。不久之后,我看到一本名叫《课堂内外·创新作文》(小学版)的杂志,上面赫然刊登了我的那篇作文,不过,它已经被妈妈改得面目全非了。妈妈复印了稿费的汇款单,把它保留了下来。而我,捧着对那时的自己来说还是巨款的稿费,做梦都能笑醒。十年前的一天,我觉得零花钱不够用,便找出了那本被妈妈翻烂了的杂志,按图索骥找到了一个网站——创新作文网。那时我傻傻的,以为把作文发到网站上就肯定能上杂志,于是, One day eleven years ago, my mother forced me to sit at my desk and write an essay saying that I could go out and play after I finished writing this essay. Soon after, I saw a magazine called “Inside and Outside the Classics,” an essay in primary and secondary schools, with my essay published impressively. However, it has been completely changed by her mother. Mother copied the remittance slip and saved it. And I, holding at that time for himself or a huge sum of money, dreams can wake up. One day ten years ago, I felt that pocket money was not enough. I found the magazine that was tumbled by my mom and found a website according to my ideas. At that time, I was innocent, I thought that the composition can be sent to the website on the magazine, so,
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