为进一步提高卫技人员的业务素质,上海市疾病预防控制中心举办了授Ⅰ类学分的市级继续医学教育项目———劳动卫生职业病防治进展培训班。现对该项目培训效果作一调查与评价,以为今后的继续医学教育工作的不断改进和完善提供依据。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 培训班学员,共45人。
In order to further improve the professional qualities of health professionals, the Shanghai CDC held Class C Continuing Medical Education Program (CLCS), a training course on the progress of prevention and control of occupational health and occupational diseases. Now the training effect of the project to make a survey and evaluation, in order to continue to improve the medical education in the future and provide the basis for continuous improvement. 1 object and method 1.1 object trainees, a total of 45 people.