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印尼武装部队成立于1945年10月5日,当时称为“保安军”,1949年改为现名.由于历史和现实的原因,印尼武装部队经商十分活跃.最近,军人的经商活动倍受媒体的关注.认识和分析印尼武装部队的商业活动有助于我们更深更全面地了解印尼当前军队和全国的局势.印尼武装部队从事商业活动早在独立战争时期就开始了.当时军队要靠自筹资金来维系独立战争所需的费用.有的时候,军队为了筹集更多的资金,不得不做一些不光彩的生意,比如走私一些象鸦片、橡胶和椰干等紧俏商品,来换取金钱和武器.两位曾参与“鸦片行动”的军人在1995年4月24日的《罗盘报》撰文,他们曾把20吨鸦片从印尼运到新加坡,最后得到了306万新币.从那个时候起,印尼军人就开始卷入商业活动中去了.印尼军人卷入商界到1957年就开始大发展.1957年,印尼政府实施了“战争紧急状态”.这一时期,军队的作用就开始膨胀.除了获得政治上的特权外,还通过诸如税收,签发企业准证和给予企业其他便利等经济行政干预手段来获得直接商业利益.1958年,政府实施荷属企 The Indonesian Armed Forces was established on October 5, 1945, then called the “Security Forces,” and was renamed as it was in 1949. The Indonesian Armed Forces have been very active in business due to historical and practical reasons.More recently, the military’s business activities have become more and more popular in the media Awareness and analysis of the commercial activities of the Indonesian Armed Forces will help us understand more deeply and comprehensively the situation in Indonesia’s current military and the country as a whole. The Indonesian Armed Forces started their commercial activities as early as during the War of Independence. In order to raise more funds, the army had to do some shameful business, such as smuggling tight items like opium, rubber and copra in return for money and weapons Two soldiers who had participated in Operation Opium Opinion wrote in the Compass newspaper on 24 April 1995 that they had shipped 20 tons of opium from Indonesia to Singapore and eventually received SGD 3.06 million. From that moment on, Indonesian military personnel began to get involved in commercial activities, and the involvement of Indonesian military personnel in the business community began to develop rapidly in 1957. The Indonesian government implemented the “war emergency” in 1957. During this period, the army Began to expand.In addition to gaining political privileges, direct commercial interests were also obtained through economic administrative interventions such as taxes, issuance of enterprise permits and other facilitation for businesses.19 In 1958, the government implemented Dutch enterprises
一、稻田工程 1.稻田选择:养殖罗氏沼虾的稻田宜选择在水源充足、无污染、水质清新、排灌方便的单季稻田, 面积以
摘 要:本文阐述了中职语文教学应紧紧围绕“培养学生职业能力”这一教学目标,突出语文教学的职业特色,充分发挥语文教学的服务能力,采取多种教学形式,着重培养学生的口头表达能力和应用文写作能力;积极开展课外阅读活动,提升学生的职业素养,提高学生的职业能力。  关键词:中职;语文教学;职业特色  2009年颁布实行的《中等职业学校语文教学大纲》指出:中职语文的任务是“指导学生正确理解与运用祖国的语言文字,
1月7—13日 缅甸国家元首丹瑞大将对我国进行正式友好访问.国家主席江泽民、国务院总理李鹏和全国政协主席李瑞环分别同他会见和会谈.两国签署了经济技术合作协定和一份框架
摘 要:Photoshop是中职计算机专业学生必修的核心专业课,与学生就业密切相关,笔者结合学生实际情况和教学实践,从备课的各个环节到多种教学方法的灵活运用方面,论述了备课及教学方法的有效教学策略,对提高课堂教学效率进行了有效的探索。  关键词:中职;Photoshop;教学策略  Photoshop是中职计算机专业学生必修的一门课程。提高课堂教学效率,应根据学生的实际情况,结合教材进行教学过程的