被称做“闽海蓬莱第一山”的清源山,遐迩闻名,来到泉州后就想去游此山,因连日阴雨连绵,没有去成,这日总算雨过天晴,便与孙女优佳一起去登山游览。 清源山位于泉州市北郊三公里,像一道翡翠屏障拱护着城廊,我们车出北郊,迤逦绵延的清源山便横陈眼前。这座方圆40华里,海拔498米的名山,山下翠绿苍碧,山顶上还罩在如轻纱般绕缭的白雾之中,巍峨壮丽,气势磅礴。 我们没有从山门入山,而是沿着盘山道驱车直上山巅,来到海拔400余米的清源天湖边下车。 立于天湖边上,碧蓝的湖水波光粼粼,湖畔山峰树木倒映湖中,蓝天白云,湖光山色,交相辉映,宛如仙境。在高山上有此数万平方米大湖,使清源山增加了许多神秘色
Known as “the first mountain in Minhai Penglai” Qingyuan Mountain, famous far and near, after coming to Quanzhou would like to travel this mountain, because of the continuous rainy days, did not go into the day finally rain, it and the sun Actress go together to mountaineering tour. Qingyuan Mountain is located in the northern suburbs of Quanzhou three kilometers, like an emerald shield arch protect the city gallery, we car out of the northern suburbs, the rolling Qingyuan Hill will be exposed. This radius of 40 miles, 498 meters above sea level the name of the mountains, the mountain green pueblo, the mountain also covered in, such as veil like winding wind around the white mist, majestic magnificent, magnificent. We did not go into the mountain from the gate but instead drove straight down the Panshan Road to the top of the Qingyuan Lake at an altitude of over 400 meters. Stand on the edge of the lake, the blue lake shimmering, the lake peaks trees reflected in the lake, blue sky and white clouds, lakes and mountains, each other, like a fairyland. In the mountains there are tens of thousands of square meters of the Great Lakes, Qingyuan added a lot of mystery