我们在日常生活中,不可能将一些药品随时随地带在身上,而有些病却来得意外,来得突然。那么,在无药的情况下应该怎样进行救治呢? 用捏压虎口的方法治晕厥。发生晕厥的症状表现为面色苍白,恶心欲呕,出冷汗甚至不省人事。如果遇到这种情况,他人可以利用拇指和食指捏压患者两手的合谷穴(俗称虎口)。当捏压10余下时,一般情况下患者就能够苏醒。 用捏足后根的方法止流鼻血。当鼻子出血时,立刻用拇指和食指掐捏患者的踝关节及足跟骨之间的凹陷处(即足后跟),右鼻出血捏左足跟,左鼻出血捏右足跟,这样可以止住出血。
In our daily life, it is impossible to bring some medicines to people anytime and anywhere, but some diseases come unexpectedly and come suddenly. So, in the absence of medicine should be how to carry out treatment? With pinch pressure tiger method of treatment of syncope. Symptoms of syncope appear pale, nauseous and vomiting, cold and sweat even unconscious. In this case, others can use the thumb and index finger to pinch the patient’s hands Hoku (commonly known as tiger’s mouth). When the pinch pressure more than 10, under normal circumstances the patient will be able to wake up. Use the method of nipping the back root to stop nosebleeds. When the nose bleeding, immediately with the thumb and index finger pinching the patient’s ankle and the heel between the depression (ie, heel), the right nasal hemorrhage pinch the left heel, pinch left hemorrhage pinch the heel, which can stop the bleeding .