如果你希望成为一个全球性的企业,你必须理解自己的客户,理解海外市场过去的10年间,在全球化大潮的冲击下,众多跨国企业告别了传统的产品开发方式,全球产品开发已渐成潮流。麻省理工(MIT)斯隆管理学院副院长、管理学教授斯蒂芬·埃平格(Steven D.Eppinger)认为,2007年,全球产品开发的模式已经演化到了精益化阶段。埃平格教授是全球制造业最具权威的学者之一,他的著作《产品设计与开发》,自1995年以来被多家世界顶尖工商管理学院所采用。
If you want to become a global enterprise, you have to understand your customers and understand the overseas markets. In the past 10 years, under the impact of the tide of globalization, many multinational corporations have bid farewell to the traditional ways of product development. Global product development has gradually become trend. According to Steven D. Eppinger, associate dean of MIT’s Sloan School of Management and a professor of management, the model of global product development has been lean in 2007. Professor Epingge is one of the most authoritative scholars in the manufacturing industry in the world. His book “Product Design and Development” has been adopted by some of the world’s leading business administration institutes since 1995.