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Debating societies in China face battles off-stage对于英语辩论爱好者来说,逻辑并没有语言的界限Tables and people are all crammed into a small classroom at Changsha’s University of Science and Technology.Three judges face the speaker’s desk in front of the classroom;one of them calls for silence: Debating societies in China face battles off-stage For English debate lovers, logic has no linguistic boundaries. Tables and people are all crammed into a small classroom at Changsha’s University of Science and Technology.Three judges face the speaker’s desk in front of the classroom; one of them calls for silence:
There are many problems in using of personal names of Mongols in Xinjiang,which already caused many inconveniences,brought many problems as well,upon this issue
患者男,15岁。因患鼻咽纤维血管瘤于1995年3月、 10月,1996年10月在外院分别从鼻腔、上颌窦、硬腭径路行3次手术。第3次手术时,出血达3000ml,并继发医源性Ⅱ度腭裂。1997年6
仿真和设计了一种以超导滤波器和低温低噪声放大器为核心的滤波放大组件,在77K温度下,该组件带外抑制大于100d B,在工作频段内,噪声系数优于0.44d B,增益为29.9±0.4d B,输入
Traditions persist in China’s wicker capital  “藤编之乡”广东南海:流淌于指尖的素雅与精巧  Cozy and functional, natural wicker furniture has been the style of choice for millennia—a method of crafting rigid plant stalks,
AIM:To study the early diagnosis and management of familialadenomatous polyposis (FAP).METHODS:Eight pedigrees of FAP were collected and theirpedigree trees we
AIM:To evaluate whether cell apoptosis and regenerationwere existed in normal liver cells adjacent to carcinomaafter transarterial chemoembolization(TACE).METH
Entreprencurship is not something that springs to mind when people think of China.Just a few decides ago being an entrepreneur or small business owner was pract