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山不转,水转;水不转,山也转。倘若山水也能“旅游”,那么一定有一个地方会让天下山水眷恋,这个地方就是阳朔。 2004年年初,阳朔各景区游人熙攘。有“地球村”之美誉的西街,除了老外们悠闲的身影外,更多了成千上万来看西街风情的国内游人。去年“非典”期间,阳朔旅游业也是“停业不停工”,利用歇业期搞休整培训,搞基础设施建设,仅一年时间,全县就新办了民居旅游示范点11个、民居旅馆36家、农家饭店79家、农家摊店160个,旅游从业人员达2.5万人。旅游已经成为阳朔一个成熟的产业,阳朔旅游已经基本实现了从“风景甲天下”的资源优势向“中国旅游名县”的产业优势的转化。 Hill does not turn, water turn; water does not turn, the mountain also turn. If the landscape can “travel”, then there must be a place where the world will be nostalgic, this place is Yangshuo. Early 2004, Yangshuo scenic tourist bustling. West Street, which has the reputation of “Global Village”, has more tens of thousands of domestic tourists who come to see West Street in addition to the laid-back foreigners. During the “SARS” last year, Yangshuo’s tourism was also a “non-stop business”. It took only half a day to resume training and engage in infrastructural construction. In the meantime, 11 county-level residential demonstration sites and 36 residential hotels 79 farmhouse restaurants, 160 farm stalls and 25,000 tourism employees. Tourism has become a mature industry in Yangshuo, Yangshuo Tourism has basically achieved the transformation of the industrial advantages from “scenic Jia Tianxia” to “China Tourism Famous County”.