Comic Opera Tomtom Performed by Chinese and Austrian Students

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  This year is the China Year in Austria. Scores of activities organized by the two sides have increased Austrian people’s understanding of China and deepened the friendship between the people of the two countries. One of these activities, the joint performance of a comic opera Tomtom in English---an exchange project between the middle school students of the two countries, achieved great success and added rich colours to the China Year in Austria.
  Through the CPAFFC and the Austrian Association for Promotion of Friendship and Cultural Relations with China (AAPFCRC) and with the help of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Beijing Dongcheng District People’s Government, the Beijing No. 171 Middle School and High School Wasa in Vienna established exchange relations in 2005. To bring into play the enthusiasm of the students for exchange and carry out substantial cooperation between the two schools, the Austrian side proposed that the two sides organize a joint performance of Tomtom, the comic opera adapted from the Austrian cartoon series of the same name.
  The cartoon series are created by Thomas Hostron, a graduate of High School Wasa. The story goes like this: a little boy Tomtom, a little girl Tomtomette and a snail accidentally obtain a map of hidden treasures of the Beijing Dragon Temple. They are determined to go to China to find them. Meanwhile, Scoundrel Black Jack also wants to get the treasures. The two sides test their strength in time and space, in the forests, on the Mars and in the Stone Age.
  The proposal met with warm response from the Beijing No. 171 Middle School. From the end of 2005, the No. 171 Middle School organized its students to adapt the cartoon series into a comic opera and communicated with High School Wasa many times on the content. Leading members of the school made a special trip to Vienna to consult with High School Wasa on concrete matters. Upon returning home, they selected 20 high school students who spoke good English to play in the comic opera. Instructed by the noted director of the Beijing People’s Art Theatre Meng Jinghui, the students improved their performing skills remarkably and added to the original text the contents related to the Beijing Olympic Games, Peking Opera masks, Chinese martial art, folk dances, erhu (two-stringed musical instrument) used in Peking Opera and calligraphy in order to demonstrate the traditional Chinese culture.
  In May this year, a delegation consisting of 24 teachers and students of No. 171 Middle School went to Vienna, the music capital of the world, for the performance. They received warm welcome from the headmaster of High School Wasa and the AAPFCRC. They visited High School Wasa, rehearsed with the Austrian performers, toured scenic spots and lived in the homes of Austrian students.
  On the evening of May 4, the seven-act comic opera Tomtom was staged at KINO Theatre in Vienna. Lu Yonghua, Chinese ambassador to Austria, Dr. Gerd Kaminski, executive vice president of the AAPFCRC, and the head of the Ninth District of Vienna, among more than 300 people watched the opera. At the end of the performance, prolonged applause broke out from the audience.
  Over 20 teachers, students and their parents of High School Wasa made a return visit to China from July 11 to 17. Katharina Cortolezis-Schalger, member of the Vienna City Council in charge of education, came with the delegation especially to watch the opera. CPAFFC Vice President Jing Dunquan met with and entertained chief members of the delegation.
  On July 16, the students of the two countries staged Tomtom once more in the auditorium of the Beijing Shijia Primary School. Relevant leaders of the CPAFFC, the Beijing Municipal People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Beijing Dongcheng District People’s Government, the Austrian Embassy in China and more than 400 people watched the show. It was also a great success. People were reluctant to leave after repeated encores by the Chinese and Austrian performers. They were moved by the innocence of the children and the painstaking efforts they had made.
  The performance is over, but it has left unforgettable memory on the children. Perhaps the words of a performer from No. 171 Middle School could best expressed the feelings of these children. He wrote: “In performing the comic opera Tomtom, a form that students like, both the Chinese and Austrian students have greatly enjoyed themselves and forged profound friendship in their enjoyment.”
请你帮猫头鹰飞出迷宮,捉到小偷吧。  难度系数:★★★★★ (答案见本刊微信)
皮杰是小熊维尼最好的朋友。皮杰和维尼之间的谈话常常是这样的:  “我的意思是这样的,你明白吗,维尼?”  “我也是这样想的,皮杰。”  从谈话中你可以看出来,皮杰和维尼是一对真正的好朋友,他们能相互理解。  还有一件事能证明他俩合得来:皮杰从家里出来,要去找维尼;碰巧维尼也正好从家里出来,要来找皮杰。  当这样的事情发生时,他俩就会在一个叫“思考角”的地方相遇。那里属于皮杰和维尼,他俩经常一起坐在
这天,袋鼠妈妈要大扫除。于是她给了袋鼠宝宝小豆和跳跳虎每人一袋吃的,让他们俩一起到外面玩一上午,不要在家影响她的大扫除工作。  “老虎能飞吗?”小豆问。“能。”跳跳虎回答,“他们飞得可棒了,只是他们不想飞。”  “那老虎可以像袋鼠一樣跳吗?”小豆又问。“能。他们想跳的时候就能。”跳跳虎回答。  “我最爱跳,我们来比赛吧!”小豆提议道。“现在可不行,我们要迟到了。”跳跳虎说完,做出一副赶时间的样子,
哇噢,正中靶心!  豬妈妈又赢了。  “真不敢相信!”拉布拉多犬先生说,“这是给你的奖品。”  “好棒!”佩奇欢呼。她现在有两个大熊猫了。
請你给下图中摆好的纸盘添画一些图案,看看能把它们变成什么吧。  难度系数:★★★★★
今天,佩奇和她的家人一起去游樂场。  “哼哼!滑,滑!”乔治咯咯地笑个不停。  “乔治想坐旋转滑梯。”猪爸爸说。  他和乔治跑向了旋转滑梯。
“一个人在家好好待着,千万不要出去,也不要给陌生人开门。”兔妈妈出门时反复对小兔子奇奇说。  奇奇今天下午又要一个人待在家里。奇奇的爸爸工作很忙,一大早就开着车去给森林商场送货了;兔媽妈要去奶奶家,照顾生病的奶奶。  “一个人在家怎么玩呢?”奇奇喃喃道。忽然,奇奇好像想到了什么。他把家里的花盆搬到了阳台上。花盆里的花枝长长的,花朵开得很艳:红的似火,粉的似霞,太漂亮了。  “嘿嘿,我要用它们来垂钓
玉米爷爷身体好,  大风吹来他不倒。  胡子眉毛随风飘,  太陽一出他就笑,  “嘿嘿嘿!哈哈哈!”  瞧他满嘴牙,  一颗也没掉!
比哪吒还厉害 姗姗 袁爱华  章鱼有8条高度灵敏的腕足,如果有東西触动了腕足,章鱼就会立刻喷射出类似墨汁的物质来掩藏自己。它是不是比哪吒还厉害?  神奇的腕足  章鱼身上的腕足使它可以在海底随意爬行。遇到猎物时,章鱼就用腕足上的吸盘将其牢牢吸住,然后再慢慢享用。