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对于能够同时满足受众听觉和视觉需求的公共媒介电视来说,声音和画面是缺一不可的。这是电视不同于报纸和广播这些传统媒介的优势,可是有时也是它的劣势。正是电视需要声、画两条腿走路的这个特性,决定了在某些不可能通过正常途径获得采访声音和画面的特殊情况下。“暗访偷拍”也就是电视节目隐性采访行为的应运而生。 Sound and picture are indispensable for public media television that can meet both the audience’s hearing and visual needs. This is the advantage of television, unlike traditional newspapers and broadcasts, but sometimes it is its disadvantage. It is the characteristic of television that requires sound and walking on both legs, which determines the special circumstances in which it is impossible to obtain the interview sound and picture through normal channels. “Unannounced candidly photographed ” That is, television shows implicit interview behavior came into being.