2009年7月24日,《窃听风云》上映,同期上映的还有《变形金刚2》以及《哈利·波特与混血王子》,几乎没有人看好这部港产警匪片能够在这个大片云集的暑期档突出重围,但是出乎意料的是,首映当日,影片的票房就突破1 000万,三周之后成功打破华语警匪片之前由《伤城》保持的7500万的票房纪录,并最终取得破亿的佳绩。而这个票房奇迹的幕后推手,就是尔冬升。他真的可以称得上是《窃听风云》之父,因为如果不是他,我想我们错过的,将不只是一部精彩的电影而已。时隔两年,尔冬升带着由他监制的《窃听风云2》再度杀进暑期档,在他面前的依然是两年前的两个老对手,而且来势比两年前都更加凶猛。不过这一次,不会再有人胆敢小觑《窃听风云2》的实力了。我们一起期待从尔冬升的手中推出又一个新的票房奇迹。
July 24, 2009, “Overheard,” released the same period also released “Transformers 2” and “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” almost no one optimistic about this Hong Kong-based gangster film can be gathered in this large Surprisingly, on the premiere day, the box office film broke through 10 million. After breaking the Chinese gangster film successfully three weeks later, the 75 million box office record kept by “Wounded City” eventually broke 100 million success. The behind-the-scenes promoter of the box office miracle, is Seoul Dongsheng. He can really be described as the “overheard” of the father, because if it is not him, I think we missed, will not just be a wonderful movie only. After a lapse of two years, Er Dongsheng once again killed the summer file with “Overheard 2” supervised by him. Before him, he was still two old rivals two years ago, and the situation was more violent than two years ago. But this time, no one dares to underestimate the “overheard 2” strength. Together we look forward to launching another new box office miracle out of the winter.