Aging-induced two-stage reverse martensitic transformation behavior in Co_(46)Ni_(27)Ga_(27) high-te

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mgqzhineng
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The effect of austenite aging at 823 K on the microstructures and martensitic transformation behavior of Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 alloy has been investigated using optical microscopy (OM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The microstructure observation results show that the unaged Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 alloy is composed of the tetragonal nonmodulated martensite phase and face-centered cubic γ phase. It is found that a new nanosized fcc phase precipitates in the process of austenite aging, leading to the formation of metastable age-affected martensite around the precipitates with composition inhomogeneity. Two-stage reverse martensitic transformation occurs in the samples aged for 2 and 24 h due to the composition difference between the age-affected martensite and the original martensite. For the Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 alloy aged for 120 h, no reverse transformation can be detected due to the disappearance of the metastable age-affected martensite and the small latent heat of the original martensite. The martensitic transformation temperatures of the Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 alloy decrease with an increase in aging time. The effect of austenite aging at 823 K on the microstructures and martensitic transformation behavior of Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 alloy has been investigated using optical microscopy (OM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The microstructure observation results show that the uncoated Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 alloy is composed of the tetragonal nonmodulated martensite phase and face-centered cubic γ phase. It is found that a new nanosized fcc phase precipitates in the process of austenite aging, leading to the formation of metastable age-affected martensite around the precipitates with composition inhomogeneity. Two-stage reverse martensitic transformation occurs in the samples aged for 2 and 24 h due to the composition difference between the age-affected martensite and The original martensite. For the Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 alloy aged for 120 h, no reverse transformation can be detected due to the disappearance of the met astable age-affected martensite and the small latent heat of the original martensite. The martensitic transformation temperatures of the Co 46 Ni 27 Ga 27 alloy decrease with an increase in aging time.
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由陈数主演的话剧《海上夫人》近日在北京首演。这是陈数的第三部话剧作品,前两部分別是《日出》与《简·爱》。  不疾不徐中,“老派”的陈数已在娱乐圈中发展多年。但她始终热闹不起来,也不愿意参与热闹。关于自己的生活哲学,陈数引用了庄子的一句话:“外化而内不化”。对外,和谐跟外界相处。对内,有自己始终坚持的东西。  "最美海上夫人"  "话剧女王"陈数时隔八年重返话剧舞台,受到了一众话剧发烧友的大力支持。
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2017年3月5日,在美国进行的2017年阿诺德传统赛业余组比赛中,32岁的牟丛,夺得女子形体167cm以下级的冠军和全场冠军,创造了我国女子健美的历史。这不仅是中国第一个阿诺德赛的女子冠军、第一个全场冠军,同时也是中国女子运动员第一次取得IFBB职业卡资格。一时,有“第一性感美女”之称的她刷爆朋友圈。其实牟丛取得如此骄人成绩的背后,还有法国老公亚历山大的鼓励和坚定支持!  失恋伤痛中,她在巴黎邂
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