
来源 :中国药师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:west_fox
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目前,临床上联合用药非常普遍,数种甚至10多种注射液混合后静脉给药并不少见,因此,联合用药出现配伍禁忌的现象时有发生。我们在临床工作中,发现用复方丹参注射液+5%葡萄糖注射液静滴,续用乳酸环丙沙星注射液(CPX)或氧氟沙星注射液(OFX),结果在输液管的过滤头处可见少量的棕黑色絮状物,这是否是复方丹参注射液与CPX、OFX存在配伍禁忌?配伍变化检索表没有记载,为此,我们做了如下观察实验。 At present, the combination of clinical medicine is very common, several or even more than 10 kinds of intravenous injection of mixed injection is not uncommon, therefore, the combination of drug compatibility contraindications occur from time to time. In our clinical work, we found that intravenous injection of compound Danshen injection plus 5% glucose injection continued with ciprofloxacin lactate injection (OFX) and ofloxacin injection (OFX) The head can be seen a small amount of brown-black floc, which is compound Danshen injection and CPX, OFX there are incompatibilities? Compatibility change search table is not documented, for which we have done the following observations.