引言 21三体综合症(Down’s syndrome)患者的外周淋巴细胞的姊妹染色单体交换(sister Chromatid Exchange 略称SCE)频率已有yu et al(1977)及Lezana et al(1977)两氏报告。而13三体综合症(Patau’s syndrome)、18三体综合症(Edward’s syndrome)患者的外周淋巴细胞的SCE频率尚未见报告。13三体、18三体患儿存活时间短,多数患儿在生后数周到一年内死亡。14三体只能在自然流产儿中见到,其嵌合体在娩出新生儿中也极为罕见,世界文献包括本例在内仅有六例,也易早期死亡。这就给要对这些疾患进行细胞遗传学方面的研究带来一定的困难。
INTRODUCTION 21 The frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) of peripheral lymphocytes in patients with Down’s syndrome has been reported by Yu et al (1977) and Lezana et al (1977). However, the frequency of SCE in peripheral lymphocytes has not been reported yet in Patient’s syndrome, 18 patients with Edward’s syndrome. 13 trisomy, trisomy 18 children with short survival time, most children died within a few weeks after birth. 14 Trisomy can only be seen in spontaneous abortions and its chimeras are extremely rare in the delivery of newborns. The world literature, including this case, only six cases, is also vulnerable to early death. This poses some difficulties in conducting cytogenetic studies on these disorders.