X region mutations of hepatitis B virus related to clinical severity

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuqinggang
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Chronic hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection remains a major health problem, with more than 240 million people chronically infected worldwide and potentially 650000 deaths per year due to advanced liver diseases including liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). HBV-X protein(HBx) contributes to the biology and pathogenesis of HBV via stimulating virus replication or altering host gene expression related to HCC. The HBV X region contains only 465 bp encoding the 16.5 k Da HBx protein, which also contains several critical cis-elements such as enhancer Ⅱ, the core promoter and the micro RNA-binding region. Thus, mutations in this region may affect not only the HBx open reading frame but also the overlapped ciselements. Recently, several types of HBx mutations significantly associated with clinical severity have been described, although the functional mechanism in most of these cases remains unsolved. This review article will mainly focus on the HBx mutations proven to be significantly related to clinical severity via epidemiological studies. Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a major health problem, with more than 240 million people chronically infected worldwide and potentially 650000 deaths per year due to advanced liver diseases including liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HBV-X protein (HBx ) contributes to the biology and pathogenesis of HBV via stimulating virus replication or altering host gene expression related to HCC. The HBV X region contains only 465 bp encoding the 16.5 kDa HBx protein, which also contains several critical cis-elements such as enhancer II , the core promoter and the micro RNA-binding region. Thus, mutations in this region may affect not only the HBx open reading frame but also the overlapped ciselements. Recently, several types of HBx mutations significantly associated with clinical severity have been described, although the functional mechanism in most of these cases remains unsolved. This review article will mainly focus on the HBx mutations antly related to clinical severity via epidemiological studies.
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一个是,人头落地,还连称“好快刀”;一个是,临刑画押,只顾惋惜圈儿画得不够圆。这都是小说家言,却不失生活的根据。后者糊里糊涂地挨了刀,前者挨了刀还照样糊涂着。 One is