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目的了解潍坊市市售蔬菜中农药残留情况,为进一步制定和采取有效的预防控制措施提供理论依据。方法于2013年全年从潍坊市12个县市区各类农贸市场、超市及散户种植菜园购买蔬菜样品,采用气相色谱-质谱仪法对34种蔬菜42种农药残留量进行测定。结果全年共检测蔬菜样品304份,75份检出农药残留,13份农药超标。其中有机磷类农药检出率为4.61%,氨基甲酸酯类农药检出率为1.32%,拟除虫菊酯类农药检出率为19.08%,三氯杀螨醇和硫丹检均未检出;不同种类蔬菜的农药检出率排序为叶菜类>豆类>根茎和薯芋类>茄果和瓜类、芸苔属类>葱蒜类,超标率排序为根茎和薯芋类>叶菜类>豆类>葱蒜类>茄果和瓜类>芸苔属类;第一季度蔬菜农药检出率为13.04%,超标率为4.35%,第二季度检出率为21.88%,超标率为3.12%,第三季度检出率为35.85%,超标率为5.66%,第四季度蔬菜农药检出率为14.29%,超标率为3.57%。结论 2013年潍坊市市售蔬菜中仍有部分农药残留,少数蔬菜中农药残留超标,并检出部分禁用农药,提醒相关部门要同时加强对农药的销售和使用环节的监管。 Objective To understand the pesticide residues in vegetables sold in Weifang City and to provide a theoretical basis for further formulation and effective prevention and control measures. Methods In 2013, vegetable samples were purchased from all kinds of farmers’ markets, supermarkets and retail gardens in 12 counties of Weifang City. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to determine the residues of 42 pesticides in 34 kinds of vegetables. Results A total of 304 vegetable samples, 75 pesticide residues and 13 pesticides were detected. Among them, the detection rate of organic phosphorus pesticides was 4.61%, the detection rate of carbamate pesticides was 1.32%, the detection rate of pyrethroid pesticides was 19.08%, neither dicofol nor endosulfan was detected; The detection rates of pesticides were in the order of leafy vegetables> beans> rhizomes and potato yam> solanaceous and melon varieties, brassicas> onion and garlic varieties, and the exceeding standard rates were rhizomes and potato yam> leafy vegetables> beans > Onion and garlic> eggplant and melon> brassica; the detection rate of vegetables and pesticides in the first quarter was 13.04%, the exceeding rate was 4.35%, the detection rate in the second quarter was 21.88%, the exceeding standard rate was 3.12% In the third quarter, the detection rate was 35.85%, the exceeding rate was 5.66%, the detection rate of vegetables and pesticides in the fourth quarter was 14.29%, and the exceeding rate was 3.57%. Conclusion In 2013, there were still some pesticide residues in vegetables sold in Weifang City. Some pesticide residues in some vegetables exceeded the standard, and some pesticides were banned. The departments concerned were reminded to strengthen the supervision over the sales and use of pesticides at the same time.