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调查发现,目前初中生心理承受着巨大的压力,且初中生正处于青春发育期与叛逆期,心理承受能力较差,经受不住困难与挫折,在面对挫折时,不知如何面对,往往选择逃避或表现为紧张、焦虑、悲观的情绪状态。针对这种状况,在初中教育中必须重视学生心理素质的培养,加强初中生的挫折教育,采取行之有效的方法与手段正确引导学生勇敢面对困难与挫折,提高学生的抗压能力,让学生保持健康愉悦的心理状态,从而更好地完成学业,使初中生在青春发育期能够健康快乐地成长。 The survey found that junior high school students now under tremendous psychological pressure, and junior high school students are in the period of youth and rebellion, psychological tolerance is poor, can not stand the difficulties and setbacks, in the face of setbacks, I do not know how to deal with, often Choose to escape or appear as nervous, anxious, pessimistic emotional state. In view of this situation, we must attach importance to the cultivation of students’ psychological quality, strengthen the setback education for junior high school students, adopt effective methods and means to guide students bravely to face the difficulties and setbacks, and improve their resilience so that Students to maintain a healthy and pleasant state of mind, so as to better completion of their studies, so that junior high school students can grow up healthy and happy during their puberty.