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早上一睁眼,天还没大亮,窗帘上映出的却是暖暖的橘色,难不成下雪了?只有下雪时,窗帘才会被染上明亮的橘色,让人心一暖。妈妈先起,她从窗往外望,果真下雪了。地上似铺了一层素被,软软绵延至远方。雪花仍 Morning eyes open, the sky is not yet bright, the curtains are showing the warm orange, hard to snow? Only when the snow, the curtains will be dyed bright orange, people warm. Mother first, she looked out the window, really snowing. The ground like a layer of prime shop, soft stretches far away. Snow still
摘要:培养小学生的创新意识和创新能力教师要具有更灵活的创新意识和创新能力,学生的创新意识在一定程度上来说发端于教师的创新教育。我们小学教师要灵活多变的进行创新教学,灵活运用各种教学技巧,教学方式要力求创新。这些别具一格的教学创新,能够给学生耳目一新的感觉,能够激发学生的创新的欲望和创新的意识。  关键词:小学生;创新教育;创新能力;培养  随着科技的不断发展,当今社会已经步入信息化时代。社会对人才
Neutrons have been extensively used in many fields, such as nuclear physics, biology, geology, medical science, and national defense, owing to their unique pen-