本文对在我院分娩的 160例产妇 ,就母乳喂养情况 ,在产后 42天、4个月进行调查。发现生后 4个月内婴儿纯母乳喂养率随月龄增加而逐步降低。生后 42天由原来的 15 8例占总数的 98 7%降到 13 2例占总数的 82 5 %,生后 4个月降至 96例占总数的 60 %。未能坚持纯母乳喂养的 64例中 ,因自觉奶量不足 ,恐婴儿吃不饱者占 41%;因旧传统习惯添加辅食者占 2 5 %;因工作学习繁忙顾不上喂奶占 2 0 %;因宣传媒介误导的占 9%;因母、婴患病影响哺乳的占 5 %;表明要防止生后 4个月内纯母乳喂养的中断 ,应进一步加强母乳喂养好处的宣传 ;取得社会的支持 ;加强产前、产后母乳喂养教育及技巧指导 ,并使其家属改变旧观念 ,支持和帮助母乳喂养 ;加强母乳喂养支持组织的建立 ,并发挥其作用是非常重要的
In this paper, 160 cases of maternal delivery in our hospital, on breastfeeding, 42 days after delivery, 4 months to investigate. Found that 4 months after birth, infants exclusive breastfeeding rate gradually decreased with increasing age. 42 days after birth dropped from 98 7% of the original 15 8 cases to 132 2 cases 82 82% of the total, and 96 cases fell to 60% of the total in 4 months after birth. 64 cases of failure to adhere to exclusive breastfeeding, due to lack of awareness of lack of milk, fear of eating infants accounted for 41%; because of the traditional tradition of adding complementary food accounted for 25%; busy work attendance care feeding 20% %; 9% misleading due to media; 5% due to maternal and infant illness affecting breastfeeding; indicating that prevention of disruption of exclusive breastfeeding within 4 months after birth should be further promoted in terms of the benefits of breastfeeding; ; To strengthen prenatal and postnatal breastfeeding education and skill guidance and to enable family members to change their old beliefs to support and help breastfeed; and to strengthen the role of breastfeeding support organizations in the development of