1994年11月7日,国家计生委在北京人民大会堂举行长效避孕皮下埋植剂新闻发布会。应邀到会的有吴阶平副委员长、彭珮云国务委员以及国家医药管理局戴庆骏副局长等部、委、局的负责同志、有关人口与计划牛育方而的专家、新药研制人员、新闻界人士等。 国家计生委科技司朱耀华司长主持新闻发布会。国家计生委副主任李宏规发表讲话。他说:“众所周知,人口发展问题是全球性的战略问题,受到世界各国关注。作为一个拥有世界五分之一以上人口的国家,中国政府将人口问题纳入国民经济与社会发展的总体规划,制定了控制人口数量,提高人口素质,实行计划生育的基本国策,这是一项长期的、根
On November 7, 1994, the State Family Planning Commission held a press conference on long-acting contraceptive implants in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Among those invited to attend were Vice People’s Political Consultative Conference Wu Jieping, State Councilor Peng Xunyun, and deputy director of the State Pharmaceutical Administration Dai Qingjun, responsible comrades of the ministries, commissions and bureaus, experts on population and planned cattle education, new drug developers and journalists. Director of Science and Technology Department of State Family Planning Commission Zhu Yaohua presided over the press conference. Li Honggui, deputy director of the State Family Planning Commission made a speech. He said: "As we all know, the issue of population development is a global strategic issue that has drawn the attention of all countries in the world. As a country with more than one fifth of the world’s population, the Chinese government incorporates population issues into the overall plan for national economic and social development and formulates It is a long-term policy to control the population, improve the quality of the population and implement the basic national policy of family planning