你知道吗? 今年早早到来的第一场沙尘暴让北京市民人均拥了“10斤”的沙尘——重吗? 2001年我国沙尘暴大事记 4月7日,内蒙古遭遇当年最强烈的一次沙尘暴袭击,能见度在五百米以下的强沙尘暴遍布自治区九个盟市的大部分地区。 4月8日,宁夏大部分地区遭遇沙尘暴天气,部分地区出现强沙尘暴,局部地区最大瞬时风力高达九级。 4月24日,沈阳市遭遇严重扬沙天气,沙尘蔽日,满天昏黄。 4月29日,甘肃省出现强沙尘暴,并出现强降温、降水以及罕见的黑风天气。 5月15日,北京、内蒙古中部偏东以及河北西北地区出现大风扬沙天气,仅北京市区的风力就达到五至六级。
Did you know that the first dust storm this morning arrived in Beijing has given rise to “10 jins” of sand and dust? Is it important to remember? In 2001, the major events of China’s sandstorms occurred in Inner Mongolia on April 7, when the most intense sandstorm in the year was encountered. Visible sandstorms with a visibility of less than 500 meters spread over most of the nine cities in the autonomous region. On April 8th, most areas of Ningxia experienced sandstorms. Strong sandstorms occurred in some areas, and the maximum instantaneous wind power in some areas was as high as nine. On April 24, the city of Shenyang suffered severe sandstorms, sand and dust, and the sky was dark. On April 29, a strong sandstorm occurred in Gansu Province, with strong cooling, precipitation, and rare black winds. On May 15, high winds and sandstorms occurred in Beijing, the eastern part of central Inner Mongolia, and northwestern Hebei, and the wind power in Beijing alone reached five to six.