患女,72岁,4月前发现右耳后有一小疖,不痛,时有痒感。未经诊治逐渐增大如桃,要求手术入院。体检:右耳后有一4×4 5cm大小红色质韧包块与耳垂相连,包膜完整无破溃,包膜下见丰富的网状血管及淡黄色块状物。手术切除送检,病理诊断:右耳后大汗腺腺癌。讨论汗腺癌少见。国外报道的937例皮肤原性肿瘤中,汗腺癌仅21例,占皮肤恶性肿瘤的2.2%。上海市肿瘤医院病理科1951~1963年共收集汗腺癌64例,占同期皮肤原发恶性肿瘤777例的8.3%。多数发生在40~60岁,女性多于男性。病程大多数发展缓慢,有长达30余年者,但部分发病较急,病程在一年以内者占30%。本例特
The female patient, 72 years old, had a small handkerchief after the right ear 4 months ago. It was painless and itchy. Without the diagnosis and treatment gradually increased, such as peach, requiring surgery admission. Physical examination: There is a 4×4 5 cm red mass ductile mass behind the right ear connected with the ear lobe, and the capsule is intact without ulceration. The capsule shows abundant reticulated blood vessels and light yellow lumps. Surgical resection, pathological diagnosis: adenocarcinoma of the adenocarcinoma of the right ear. Discussion of sweat gland cancer is rare. Of the 937 cases of cutaneous tumors reported abroad, only 21 were sweat gland cancers, accounting for 2.2% of skin malignancies. Department of Pathology, Shanghai Cancer Hospital collected 64 cases of sweat gland cancer from 1951 to 1963, accounting for 8.3% of 777 cases of primary malignant tumors of the skin at the same time. The majority occurred between the ages of 40 and 60, with more women than men. Most of the course of the disease has been slow to develop, and it has been more than 30 years old. However, some of the diseases are acute, and those with a course within one year account for 30%. This example