患者女性,56岁。反复发作咳嗽、气喘20余年加重伴发热4天,于1988年9月12日晚入院。体检:T38℃,P80次/min,R 29次/min,BP110/70mmHg,叩诊心界不大。听诊心率150次/min左右,心律绝对不齐,心音强弱不等.心尖及各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音,双肺可闻及哮鸣音,右肺中下野有细小湿性罗音。肝肋下1.5cm,质中等硬,压痛。脾未触及。X线胸透诊断为肺气肿。临床诊断:喘息性支气管炎,肺原性心脏病,Ⅱ°心衰。入院次日心电图V_1导联(附图A)示
Patient female, 56 years old. Recurrent cough, asthma exacerbated more than 20 years with fever 4 days, on the evening of September 12, 1988 admitted. Physical examination: T38 ℃, P80 times / min, R 29 times / min, BP110 / 70mmHg, percussion heart is not big. Auscultation heart rate 150 beats / min or so, the heart rhythm is absolutely not Qi, heart sound intensity ranging from apical and the valve area is not heard of pathological murmur, lungs can be heard and wheeze, the right lung has a small wet rales. Liver ribs 1.5cm, medium hard, tenderness. Spleen not touched. Chest X-ray diagnosis of emphysema. Clinical diagnosis: asthmatic bronchitis, pulmonary heart disease, Ⅱ ° heart failure. Admission the next day electrocardiogram V_1 lead (Figure A) shows