The man who hugs wild lions

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeng007008
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  Kevin Richardson is an animal behaviorist. He has done something that not many people would dare to do. In an extraordinary video, taken by a GoPro camera, the so-called “lion whisperer” can be seen hugging and holding wild lions in his arms. He saved them as cubs when their mother didn’t take care of them.
  These big cats are really big now. They are 10 years old. But, even though they’ve spent so many years in the wilderness, they still give answers to Kevin’s voice and change into little cats when they see him. Of course, he did not make this video just for the purpose that you would be impressed. In cooperation with GoPro, he created this amazing footage, which is supposed to raise awareness to the possible extinction of wild lions in Africa.
  Anyhow, the video itself is unbelievably awesome and beautiful at the same time. So take your hats off to Kevin, the man who hugs wild lions and enjoy the video.
  footage n. 画面
  extinction n. 灭绝
  (Have you done anything to protect wild animals?)
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