There has been a lot of controversy over the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of deaf-mutes. Some people think that acupuncture is effective for deaf and mute. They cite a number of examples that show that a certain percentage of patients’ hearing is increased by some decibels in some deaf patients after acupuncture. Others deny this effect. In their opinion, the increased hearing does not exceed the range of hearing disturbances, so there is no cure. However, the scope of hearing loss of deaf-mutes in China is exactly how much, but there is no consensus, some people think that in the 10-15 dB, some people think that up to 30 dB, due to the scope of hearing fluctuations have different understandings, each developed Efficacy standards are inconsistent. In recent years, according to our own practice, we have proposed that the average of three consecutive frequencies be increased by 10 points