在制造人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)粗品时,要使用一定量的苯甲酸钠和有机溶剂(制法从略),而后所得的有机溶液除含杂质外,还含很多苯甲酸,若能回收重新利用,则能降低成本。本文报告对该化合物的回收工艺。 2.工艺流程: 回收丙酮后,残渣以水洗涤多次至洗涤液无色,即得苯甲酸粗品。在粗品中加入数倍量的水,边搅拌边加入NAHCO_3至溶液pH值为中性。滤去沉淀物,在溶液中加1%活性炭,充分搅拌,过滤,将无色透明滤液浓缩,干燥,即得苯甲酸钠。 3.试验材料为本院优生研究所制造的5批 1.原理:根据苯甲酸和苯甲酸钠的酸碱转化及在水和有机溶剂中溶解度不同的性质。
In the manufacture of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) crude, to use a certain amount of sodium benzoate and organic solvents (system of law omitted), and then the resulting organic solution in addition to impurities, but also contains a lot of benzoic acid, if it can be recovered Reuse, you can reduce costs. This article reports the recovery of this compound. 2. Process: After the recovery of acetone, the residue washed with water several times to the washing liquid colorless, that was crude benzoic acid. Add several times the amount of water in the crude product, add NAHCO_3 with stirring to the solution pH is neutral. The precipitate was filtered off and 1% activated carbon was added to the solution. The mixture was thoroughly stirred and filtered. The colorless and transparent filtrate was concentrated and dried to obtain sodium benzoate. 3. The test materials for the Institute Institute of Eugenics made 5 batches 1. Principle: According to acid and base of benzoic acid and sodium benzoate conversion and solubility in water and organic solvents of different nature.