根据CORESTA GAP指南,结合文山州烟叶生产条件与自然生态特点,建立了烟草GAP管理体系,并开展了应用。通过GAP管理体系的应用,取得积极效果:化学农药的使用得到有效控制,烟田使用农药有效成分总量为1.87 kg/hm2,示范区烟叶中农药残留种类及含量降低,符合CORESTA农药残留限量标准,烟叶安全性提高。烟叶中非烟物质得到较好控制,尤其是一类非烟物质得到有效控制,提高了客户的满意度。
According to the guidelines of CORESTA GAP and tobacco production conditions and natural ecological characteristics in Wenshan Prefecture, tobacco GAP management system was established and applied. The application of GAP management system has achieved positive results: the use of chemical pesticides has been effectively controlled. The total amount of pesticide active ingredients used in tobacco fields is 1.87 kg / hm2. The types and contents of pesticide residues in tobacco leaves in demonstration areas are reduced, meeting the limits of CORESTA Pesticide Residues , Tobacco safety improved. Tobacco non-tobacco substances are better controlled, especially a class of non-smoking substances are effectively controlled and improve customer satisfaction.